Spiritual Psychotherapy

 Spiritual Psychotherapy is a non-religious honouring of the mystery and depth of the psyche/soul. Certainly not all problems are spiritual in nature, nevertheless crises, trauma, loss, illness and the accumulation of hurt and disappointment have a spiritual as well as a psychological and physical impact.


Spirituality cannot be separated from psychotherapy as some of our life crises wound us so deeply that they carry a special power and spiritual meaning. Spirituality can address the unfathomable and uncontrollable in our lives, speaking the language of suffering, compassion, transformation, acceptance, surrender, hope, sacredness, transcendence, forgiveness, faith, joy, wisdom, guidance, synchronicity......


 Abandonment - Betrayal

Grief/Sorrow - Loss

Family of origin issues - Conflict

Fears - Phobias - Panic - Anxiety

Depression,  Chronic Sadness

Obsessive Thoughts - Compulsive Behaviour

Low Self-Esteem - Shame-Guilt

Loneliness - Isolation - Addiction

Trauma - Childhood, Adult & Past-Life

Loss of meaning and purpose

Life cycles - Empty Nest - Mid-Life Crisis



Spiritual psychotherapy is not a problem solving tool, for you do not "need fixing" or "solved". It is a profound therapy tool to help you:

  • see life in a broader perspective 
  • develop new & life-altering belief systems
  • discern deeper truths in ordinary experience 
  • tap into a reservoir of hope & guidance.
  • access grounding tools during times of great shifts and crisis
  • source new values & significance to replace old unattainable dreams
  • deepen self-love & self-compassion
  • enhance ability to be present with Self and those you cherish
  • reconnect with the sacred and your purpose & place in the Cosmos

 There is a deep dimension to some concerns...they raise profound questions about our place & purpose in the world...questions that call for a spiritual response. 

When you answer the call to go deep, it can be the most freeing and transformative healing experience of your life.


I look forward to meeting you there.